<% email = "" password = "" confirmPassword = "" ErrorMessage = "" if request.form <> "" then email = Request.Form("email") password = Request.Form("password") confirmPassword = Request.Form("confirmPassword") if email="" or password="" then ErrorMessage = "You must specify both email and password." end if if password <> confirmPassword then ErrorMessage = "Password and confirmation do not match." end if if ErrorMessage = "" then set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" conn.Open("C:\WebData\Users.mdb") set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") rs.Open "Select * FROM Users WHERE Email = '" & email & "'", conn if rs.EOF = true then sql="INSERT INTO Users (Email,Password,Role) VALUES ('" & email & "','" & password & "','guest')" conn.Execute(sql) Response.Redirect("Default.asp") else ErrorMessage = "Email address is already in use." end if end if end if if ErrorMessage <> "" then response.write("

" & ErrorMessage & "

") response.write("

Please correct the errors and try again.

") end if %>


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